Thursday, February 17, 2011


This week has been full of cute and sweet moments.

(Sorry for the TMI, but Mak is obsessed with his penis and the word penis.)
Tuesday (to a fellow 2-year-old):
"Do you have a penis? I have a penis." At which point, the little boy began to show him his. I am very glad we caught this before it escalated into anything more.
Tuesday night (right after Brian walked in the door at 5pm):
"**** has a penis, I have a penis, you have a penis. I need to see a penis." We are schooling heavily on "private" parts and keeping them covered.
Wednesday morning, before school:
"Sophia, I have two cars, a button, and a penis."
Wednesday afternoon:
Me: "Mak, did you poop? I smell poop."
Mak: "Nope. Maybe it's just pizza."
Me: "Nope. Pretty much smells yucky. Pretty much smells like poop."
Mak: "Nope. Pretty much smells like pizza."
After the diaper change, he made me show him his poop to prove that it really wasn't pizza. Forthelove.
Wednesday night:
Me: "Mak, what's in my belly?"
Mak: "A BABY!"
Me: "What kind of baby?"
Mak: "A red and green one!"
Let's hope not.

Today: Soph, in time out. Crying. Mak walks up to her, crouches down, rubs her back, and tells her, "It will be alright. Calm down. It's ok. I'm right here. It's ok. I'm here now." Moment pretty much rocked, even though I usually make them leave each other alone during time out. My heart melted.


  1. I think they all go through that penis phase, thankfully it usually passes quickly. Finn was utterly confused that girls have a vagina and asked me several times if he could see MY penis. HA!

  2. OH, Michelle - I HOPE you're right. He tells me all the time that I have my "own bottom" and he has a penis. I am praying it passes and that it's NORMAL! Thanks for the reassurance! What did you say to him every time he brought it up....?
